Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sandwich Boards for Church Marketing

Without a doubt, as a church plant the very first thing I would invest in are sandwich boards.  I am a huge fan and advocate of online marketing, but there simply isn't any way to beat the impact of thousands of cars driving by your sign on Sunday morning.  When I was in "church shopping" mode, I would get really excited when I saw a new signboard out for a church because it gave me hope that this new church might be the one!

What to Print on the Sign

The messaging on the sandwich board should be kept really simple:

  • Name of your church (In big letters that can be read at 40 mph!)
  • Directional arrow
  • Church website

That's all. No slogans, no pictures.  Just keep it very simple.

What makes these signs so powerful is the number of Google searches that are happening on cell phones now.  This marketing tact is the perfect blend of old school and new school to grow your church.

How Many Signs Should We Buy?

I would recommend purchasing 5-10 signboards for church marketing.  These signs are not just to help lost people, you need to keep your marketing focus! You want to map out the busiest intersections that are near your church and place your signs where the most cars are going to pass them by.  

Before purchasing our signboards, I actually went out and drew a map of all of the places we were going to place them.  It was important to know how many we needed and which way the arrows should point.

We make sure that with our sign placements they never block a sidewalk or impede on a business.

When Should They Be Up?

I do not recommend leaving these signs up for very long.  Our strategy is to put them up before our first service and take them down after our last service.  It isn't 24/7 coverage, but this way we don't wear out our welcome in the community.

Placing signs is a shared responsibility because doing this can be pretty time consuming. For example, I have a single sign that sits near a very busy intersection about 3/4 of a mile from the church. I just keep that sign in my trunk and own the responsibility.